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Charlie's Multimedia Website Development Services

Charlie's Multimedia Emporium provides a service for Static, Responsive, Interactive, Wordpress and Wix websites. For a fast, efficient, professional and aesthetic service, contact Charlie's Multimedia Emporium for a quote.
Responsive Website

The growing trend for a business's website is for the creation of a responsive website. A responsive website is especially created for the layout to be reset depending on the platform it is viewed on. More and more people are viewing the Internet on mobile phones or tablets and the problem here is if this website is not responsive it means the website has to be resized, panned and scrolled across a wide range of devices. A responsive website resizes itself automatically to be viewed properly on a number of different devices. This is when the code for the website includes extra coding that adapts the layout to the viewing environment by using fluid, proportion-based grids, flexible images, and CSS3 media queries, which is an extension of the media rule. As per the standard, static website, the software used to create a responsive website is Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Muse, Adobe Dreamweaver and Text Editor. The fee for the creation of a standard static website starts at €2,200 + VAT. Eample can be seen here:

Wordpress & Wix Website

A WordPress or Wix website can be a cheap version of a very effective website. With regards choosing the cheap version of each of these platforms, the client is restricted to previously designed covers for their Blog Website (although very trendy). Some of these covers are free of charge, which of course reduces the fee for this service, while there is a fee for the more intricate ones. Another disadvantage for the website is that the domain name has to follow the layout of, however, for an upgrade charge the domain name can then be personalized to An important advantage of a WordPress Blog Website is that if the client's site becomes popular it maybe asked by WordPress to host paid advertisements, and so the Blog Website can become a paying element of the client's business. It is very easy to post on a Blog Website and it can also be linked up to the client's social media, so that every post automatically appears on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, PinInterest etc. This all helps the SEO of the Blog Website and there are also a number of apps available on a Blog Website to help increase the chances of good Search Engine Optimization. The software used in the creation of these Websites can include Adobe Muse, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Microsoft Word. The rate for creating a either WordPress or Wix Website for clients is €20 per hour + VAT (excluding upgrades, etc.).

Standard Website

Charlie's Multimedia Emporium has a website design service which includes presentation of 2 to 3 concepts, art direction and coordination of illustration and/or photography, comprehensive layout, final art, and the production of a standard static corporate website. The website will be designed with seven pages that are set-up to promote the client's business or group as a professional entity. Each page in the website will be designed for a specific purpose (e.g.: Home, About Us, Gallery) and will include copy provided by the client. It will be the website designers task to layout the website in a structured and aesthetic manner, so that the completed website will be easy to negotiate. Some of the skills needed for the creation of a website include a graphic designer to create visuals for the site such as layouts and buttons, internet marketing to create strategic solutions on targeting viewers to the site, Search Engine Optimizer (SEO) to research and recommend the correct words to be incorporated into a particular website, which will make the website more assessable and help it to be found on numerous different search engines, an internet copywriter to create the written content of the website to appeal to the targeted viewers of the site and also User Experience (UX) designer skills. The software used in the creation of a standard static website is Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Muse, Adobe Dreamweaver and Text Editor. The fee for the creation of a standard static website starts at €1,600 + VAT.

Interactive Design Website

The next generation of website design involves the production of interactive website design. As technology advances, the idea of an interactive website has become more commonplace. With an interactive website, the client can have a website that the user can become a part of and immerse themselves in. A new media interactive website has communicative recognition, whereby the website recognizes the user and knows more of their preferences after each user visit; feedback, whereby message exchange progresses by continuing communication leading to reflected understanding of feedback; and information flow, whereby there is an opportunity for a two-way flow of information. An interactive website takes the user on a journey through the website with an animated interface, digital art, computer graphics and animation, virtual art, Internet art and interactive art. An example of an animated interactive website would be for an animated picture of a building as the first page. There would be elements on the front page that would be active, which can be plugins or apps, but the main interactivity would be the front door. The user can enter the front door by clicking on it and then find themselves inside in the house whereby there are a number of room doors. Each door leads to another page, while there is further interactivity elements dotted around the house. This example shows how an interactive website can be fun, but also it can easily hold the user's interest and this can help with the SEO of the website, and so place the client's website higher up in a search engine listing. The software to be used in the creation of an interactive website includes Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Muse, Adobe Dreamweaver, Text Editor, Adobe Edge Animate, Adobe Flash and 3ds Max. An interactive website can take a considerable amount of time to complete and the charge for this service begins at €4,000 + VAT, however, this is negotiable depending on specifications.

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