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Charlie's Multimedia Database Designs Services.


Charlie's Multimedia Emporium has a service for databases, whereby the clients own database will be set-up in Google Maps. The client will then have an intereactive database that they can add to or edit; they can get directions to all their database locations, while the data address can be viewed using either Google Maps and Google Earth. There is also a service for generating a database for clients, so why not cotact Charlie's Multimedia Emporium here and get your business set up with an effective database. 

Charlie's Multimedia Emporium, Production Company
Charlie's Multimedia Emporium, Production Company
Charlie's Multimedia Emporium, Production Company
Charlie's Multimedia Emporium, Production Company
Charlie's Multimedia Emporium, Production Company
Charlie's Multimedia Emporium, Production Company
Database Design. Google Map Database


Google Maps have changed the possibilities for databases in that an individual can map their entire database. With Google maps, not only can the user retrieve directions to any individual data address, but the address can be visited, at any level, from the air and in most cases from the ground. Other uses would be to open the database in Google Earth for more functionality. In both cases the database list can be filtered with keywords, or just edited, while an individual can add to the existing database. Charlie's Multimedia Emporium has a service called Google Map Database, whereby a client's database will be set up on Google Maps, with a secure access to the client's page (Additional charge to research and create a database for clients). A HTML page, with some CSS3 elements will be created that can be stored on the client's computers. The layout will be like a website page with a number of links to the client's social media, website and other online links. Access to Google Maps can then be made to the relevant database from this page with the correct username and password. The software used to create this service is Microsoft Excel, Adobe Muse, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and JQuery. An Example of a Google Map Database can be found here. The charge for this service is just €350 + VAT.


Database Design. MySQL Hosted Database


The My SQL Hosted database service that is created by Charlie's Multimedia Emporium has a number of the elements of the Google Map Database, however, it is also set up with PHP code, which will allow for the database to be directly updated from the HTML page that is created. This is linked up through its PHP code to where the database is set-up on Xampp MySQL. Xampp is a secure online hosting company that is used for databases by more and more businesses. The extra code will be created to suit the client's needs and the database will be set-up the same way (Additional charge to research and create a database for clients). . The software used to create this service is Microsoft Excel, Adobe Muse, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, JQuery and Xampp. The charge for this service is just €1,200 + VAT.


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