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Charlie's Multimedia Copywriting and Journalism Services.

Charlie's Multimedia Emporium has a service for copywriting and journalism, that is writing copy for the purpose of advertising or marketing and also any manner of journalism. The copy is meant to persuade someone to buy a product, or influence their beliefs. Copywriters are used to help create direct mail pieces, taglines, jingle lyrics, web page content, online ads, email and other Internet content, television or radio commercial scripts, press releases, white papers, catalogues, billboards, brochures, postcards, sales letters, and other marketing communications media pages. Copy can also appear in social media content including blog posts, blog websites, tweets and social networking site posts. A piece of copywriting can take a short time to script or could take a number of weeks, depending on the clients request, so there is no set price-plan for Charlie's Multimedia Emporium's copywriting service. Charlie's Multimedia Emporium has a multi-published creative writer and journalist on-hand to script copywriting content and the software to be used consists of Microsoft Word, Acrobat X1 Pro, Adobe Story Plus and Adobe Dreamweaver. The basic charge for Charlie's copywriting service is €20 + VAT per hour.
Creative Writing: Ghostwriting.

Charlie's Multimedia Emporium has a service for Ghostwriting, with a charge based on project size. Michael 'Charlie' McGee, who is the CEO of Charlie's Multimedia Emporium, has a number of years experience that he has garnered as a creative writer. Currently he has one novel, titled Scorned, which was published in 2009. It can be downloaded for Kindle here. Contact Charlie directly for a quotation on the contacts page here.

Short Stories.

As a creative writer Charlie has scripted a large collection of short stories and there are a number of examples here in the gallary of the left. A number of these short stories have being published in anthologies including Top of the Pile (2009) by Nenagh Writer's group, Taking Figaries (2003) by North Tipperary County Council, Celebrating the Gift of Art (2005) by the Dunlavin Festival of Arts, and Donard Anthology (2007) by Donard Publishing. To view selected short stories, click on the gallery image.

Short Story Critiques.


Journalist Brenda Power critique of the short story: Eviction. "This is a beautifully-written story, and it is clear that great care and skill has gone into crafting every sentence. From the opening lines the author has drawn us into the bleakness and chill of the occasion, which every effectively foreshadows the wretched events to come. It is obvious that the author feels very angry about the injustice of the events he's describing, has great compassion for the unfortunate smallholder and his family, and has done extensive research on the period in question."


Review of the short story The Cursed Text, which was published in Donard Anthology. "The only word that can sum up this amazing collection of short stories is 'Breathtaking'! From Gordon Phipps 'The Wizard' to 'The Cursed Text!' by Charlie McGee, these are the kind of stories that grab you by the throat and don't let go, then drag you back to read them again!There are several authors in this book that I will look to see in print many times again."



As a creative writer Charlie has also scripted a large collection of poetry and there are a number of examples here in the gallary of the left. A number of these works of poetry have being published in newspapers, etc.... To view selected works of poetry, click on the gallery image.



Charlie has wrote a number of scripts as a playwright and a numbrer of samples can be viewed on the gallery of the left by just clicking the selected image. This service is available as part of Charlie's Multimedia Emporium, with a charge based on a rate of €20 per hour, or alternatively there is a charge based solely on each project. For a hugely competitive quote, contact Charlie on the contacts page here.

Charlie's Multimedia Emporium, Production Company
Comic Piece.


Charlie's Multimedia Emporium also has a service to script comical prose and there is a sample here, which was scripted on the day Michael D. Higgins was elected President of Ireland. This is another part of the creative writing service that is offered by Charlie. For a quotation please contact Charlie here. To view comical piece click on the image. 

Press Releases.


Charlie's Multimedia Emporium has a service to script press releases and has already created a number for various clients. There are a selection of samples below, while the charge for this service is just €20 per hour. This a hugely competitive charge as a professionally scripted press release can be screated within an hour, depending on all research provided. For your quote contact Charlie here.

Freelance Journalism.


Charlie's Multimedia Emporium has a service for journalism. Charlie is trained in journalism and has a large collection of journalism articles created as a freelance journalist. THere is a selection below of a wide range of journalism including feature articles, hard news stories, reviews and editorials. This service is available day and night and charges depend on the client's own rates. For this service, please contact Charlie here.

Other Copywriting Services

Irish Festival Report

Irish Festival Report

One of the services that Charlie's Multimedia Emporium provides for is report writing. There is a sample here by clicking the image of 'Irish Festival Report' and then selecting Go to Link.

Patrick's Day Proposal

Patrick's Day Proposal

One of the services that Charlie's Multimedia Emporium provides for is proposal writing. There is a sample here by clicking the image of 'Patrick's Day Proposal' and then selecting Go to Link.

Situation Analysis of Silent Movie

Situation Analysis of Silent Movie

One of the services that Charlie's Multimedia Emporium provides for is PR Proposal writing. A section of a PR Proposal involves a researching and compiling a Situation Analysis. There is a sample here by clicking the image of 'Situation Analysis of Silent Movie' and then selecting Go to Link.

Selection of Media and Techniques II

Selection of Media and Techniques II

One of the services that Charlie's Multimedia Emporium provides for is PR Proposal writing. A section of a PR Proposal involves a researching and compiling a Situation Analysis. There is a sample here by clicking the image of 'Selection of Media and Techniques II' and then selecting Go to Link.

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Screen Shot 2014-04-06 at 20.32.04.png

One of the services that Charlie's Multimedia Emporium provides for brochure or booklet writing. A sample here of a brochure that was created for Nenagh Silent FIlm Festival. To view click on the image.

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