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Charlie's Multimedia Graphic Design Services


Charlie's Multimedia Emporium offer a number of services including for the creation of static and animated logos and other graphic designs, which will be provided to a very high standard. There is the provision of all types of static and animated graphic design, HTML Email design, graphically designed printed material (brochures, booklets, poster-art, etc), and a.n.o graphically designed projects that are requested.


The pricing of the projects will be typically estimated as a project-based cost. The project cost will be estimated by the approximate number of hours needed to complete the project, plus materials & services used including insurance, operating costs, preparation, additional costs depending on the project. Generally, Charlie will be charging €20 an hour for his services, while alternatively, there is a range of charges estimated for a number of services and productions.


For your own graphically designed projects, look no further that Charlie's Multimedia Emporium for a professional service that is committeed to you and your business.

Charlie's Multimedia Emporium, Production Company
Charlie's Multimedia Emporium, Production Company
Service 1. Static Logo


A static logo is what it says it is - an average logo that most businesses have as the company brand name. In fact the latter part of that statement is not entirely true. There are a lot of businesses, especially SME's, that have no specialized branding at all, or even if they do, it's usually a piece of clipart that is about twenty years out of date at this stage, alongside a generic font that spells out their name. It is important for a small to medium sized business to be noticed in a very competitive business world, but one way you can be sure you will probably be overlooked is to have something like Joe Blogg's Painters and Decorators with a piece of clipart alongside of a decorator up a ladder with a paint-brush. This image has been used a countless number of times as an original design, but it is not, and in fact it itself and most other clipart images are copyrighted. What Charlie's Multimedia Emporium is offering is to develop a personalized logo that can be copyrighted to any individual company; this completed logo can be used by the client as an identifiable trademark that will help them stand out from the crowd. Careful consideration will go into researching the client's company with the logo colour, design and font style all a part of the logo design process. As with all graphic design, the more intricate and laborious it would be to create the design, the more expensive the final product would be. An example here is with regards font style - if typography is to be used to create a specialized font for the logo (e.g. Coca Cola font), it would take much longer to create the design and so this would add to the charge. Even still, Charlie's Multimedia Emporium has a starting charge for logo design of just €300 + VAT for designs that are created with minimal additional work and research necessary. The software used in the creation of a logo design will be Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop and these designs will be saved in a number of different formats for the client's convenience.

Charlie's Multimedia Emporium, Production Company
Service 2. Animated Logo


As per the static logo design, the animated logo design has a starting charge for a basic design, however, this charge will increase if there are additional elements that are used to create any unique logo. Additional elements in this regard could include typography, extra research, implementing the logo onto an existing website, etc. The difference between the static and animated logo is simply that the logo will be animated - This will be done by using Adobe Flash and Animate and it will result with the client's very own unique logo that will run through a scripted animated sequence (roughly 10 sec). Animated logos have become popular with modern business, especially with use on the business's website and/or social media. They will be created using Adobe Flash, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Edge Animate and Adobe Photoshop. The charge for an animated logo begins at €550 + VAT and the final product will be saved as an animated Gif and also as a swf file for the client's convenience onto a DVD disc.

Charlie's Multimedia Emporium, Production Company
Charlie's Multimedia Emporium, Production Company
Service 3. Animated Logo Without Artwork


Charlie's Multimedia Emporium will also provide a service for the client's existing logo, whereby their logo will be animated based on a script decided between the client and Charlie's Multimedia Emporium. There is a very short turnover in creating an animated logo design, providing the logo does not have to be re-edited, as this will add to the cost and the timescale of the project. Even still, if the client wants to revamp the whole look of their existing branding, they can have it animated with a few small changes here and there in the logo's over all look. The software used for this service will be Adobe Flash, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Edge Animate and Adobe Photoshop, whilst the charge for this service starts at €350 + VAT. The end product will be supplied to the client on a DVD disc and will be saved as an animated Gif and also a swf file for animation, while jpg, png and tiff formats will be used if a static version of a possible revamped logo is required.

Service 4. Poster Art


For the most part, most people and businesses create their own posters using their own computer software, however, this is mainly for poster signs or hastily designed posters announcing an event. Charlie's Multimedia Emporium wants to offer a service to professionally create graphically designed posters using the software of Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. A poster will be designed to the client's size specifications ready for print with any number of design techniques used to boost the client's poster appearance. The software used in the creation of the client's poster will be Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop, while the charge for the client's uniquely designed poster will start at €500 + VAT.

Charlie's Multimedia Emporium, Production Company
Charlie's Multimedia Emporium, Production Company
Service 5. Brochure Design (Small)


Charlie's Multimedia Emporium also has a service for the design and creation of brochures. The small brochure design is based on a Tri-Fold brochure. The opened size of this brochure is 8.5 inches in height by 11 inches in width. Each page folds to a small brochure size, which is 8.5 inches height by 3.66 inches width. There would be six pages in all - 3 pages inside and three pages on the outside. An example of this type of brochure would be a restaurant menu. Another style for this type of brochure would be a festival brochure, whereby the layout would be folded over also to create twelve pages, with one page a size of 4.25 inches in height by 3.66 inches in width. The software used will be Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Quark Xpress and the cost of the small brochure design begins at €800 + VAT.

Service 6. Brochure Design (Corporate)


Charlie's Multimedia Emporium also has a service for a 4 to 10 page corporate brochure. The service includes 2 to 3 concepts for a 4-colour design with art direction and coordination of illustration and/or photography, comprehensive layout, final art and supervision of production (Printing costs are extra). A business can really impress their clients with an especially designed corporate brochure that highlights your business and what services and/or products you can supply. The software used for the corporate brochure design service will be Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Quark Xpress, while this service can be offered to you from €1,600 + VAT.

Charlie's Multimedia Emporium, Production Company
Service 7. Booklet


Charlie's Multimedia Emporium will be providing a quality service for a booklet design that will suit any business or organizational needs. The size of the booklet will be designed to 3.35 inches height by 2.17 inches width (Credit Card Size) per page, which opens out to 3.35 inches height by 8.66 inches width. The design will be for outside and inside and the software used for this design will be Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Quark Xpress. Booklets will be created to the client's specific needs and can be designed for as little as €600 + VAT.

Charlie's Multimedia Emporium, Production Company
Service 8. Static HTML Email


A very modern and growing promotional tool for new and established SME's and larger businesses, organizations and a wide range of groupings, HTML Emails are a very effective way for a business or grouping to get their name out there. Charlie's Multimedia Emporium can create a client's design, to their specifications, with Adobe Illustrator and/or Adobe Photoshop, tested using Adobe Dreamweaver and then implement the design into an email through the use of Mailchimp. This specifically designed HTML Email is then forwarded to the client's database of email addresses. There is an option to create a specialized database for the client, however, this is an addition to the workload and will increase the initial charge. The starting charge for a HTML Email is a very competitive €120 + VAT.

Charlie's Multimedia Emporium, Production Company
Charlie's Multimedia Emporium, Production Company
Charlie's Multimedia Emporium, Production Company
Charlie's Multimedia Emporium, Production Company
Service 9. Animated HTML Email


A very modern and growing promotional tool for new and established SME's and larger businesses, organizations and a wide range of groupings, HTML Emails are a very effective way for a business or group to get their name out there. But even more than a static design, an animated design can really make the client's business or grouping stand out from the crowd. Animated HTML Emails have become especially popular during holiday seasons to extend a greeting to an especially prepared database, or to remind people of a business's and/or a grouping's services. Charlie's Multimedia Emporium can create a design, to the client's specifications, with Adobe Illustrator and/or Adobe Photoshop, whilst their design will then be animated with Adobe Flash and/or Adobe Edge Animate, before it is then tested using Adobe Dreamweaver and finally implemented into an email through the use of Mailchimp. The client's HTML Email is then forwarded to their database of email addresses. There is an option to create a specialized database, however, this is an addition to the workload and will increase the initial charge. The starting charge for an animated HTML Email is a very competitive €350 + VAT.

Service 10. Newsletter


Charlie's Multimedia Emporium has a service for a 4 to 10 page corporate in-house newsletter. The service includes 2 to 3 concepts, art direction and coordination of illustration and/or photography, comprehensive layout, final art and supervision of production on a per issue basis (Printing costs are extra). The size of the newsletter can be created for whatever specifications are requested, tabloid size (17 inches height by 11 inches width), A3 size (16.5 inches by 11.7 inches), A4 size (11.7 inches by 8.3 inches) or A5 size (8.3 inches by 5.8 inches) being the most popular. Newsletters can be used to relate information to a business's or grouping's employees or volunteers and they are regularly put together on an annual basis, however, larger companies do authorize information newsletters on a quarterly basis. The software used for a corporate newsletter design service will be Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Quark Xpress, while this service can be sourced from Charlie's Multimedia Emporium from €1,200 + VAT.

Service 11. Magazine Design


Charlie's Multimedia Emporium offers a service to create a magazine designed for whatever specific needs are required for any business or group. This service is for an initial design of a new general interest 4-colour consumer magazine of 40 to 50 pages. The service includes 2 to 3 concepts showing layout of major design elements and consultations with editors/publishers to establish creative and workable design solutions for the publication (Printing costs are extra). The size can range from A3 to A5 and onto Berliner style (18.5 inches by 12.4 inches). The complete design process can take up to two months based on the initial charge, however, there are additional charges depending on copy which has to be researched, sourced and edited as journalistic features. The software to be used for the design of a magazine design is Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Quark Xpress. There is an initial and basic fee for a 40 to 50 page magazine design of €12,000 + VAT, however this is negotiable depending on specifications required.

Charlie's Multimedia Emporium, Production Company
Service 12. Annual Report Design


A very important publication that a growing business releases on an annual basis would be an Annual Report. It may also be important for a social grouping like a festival, which have to create a report on an annual basis. Charlie's Multimedia Emporium will put together an annual report of 30 to 40 pages including 10 pages of financial information, photographs and text. The service includes presentation of 2 to 3 concepts, art direction and coordination of illustration and/or photography, comprehensive layout, final art and supervision of production (Printing costs are extra). The size can range from A3 to A5 and the complete design can take up to two months to complete. The software that is used is Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Quark Xpress and the initial fee for this service is €8,000 + VAT, however, this is negotiable depending on specifications required.

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